So, I didn't understand much of what you're saying here, but I definitely feel points I believe you're making.
However, whether you like it of not, there are many people, programs, organizations, and an overall culture in the Black American experience that issues will be fixed because we go back to the continent. Unfortunately, that's a myth.
No one said that Africans with continental connections who come to the States, especially if they don't know Black American history, play into the 'model minority' myth.
No one said that communities shouldn't build relationships with the continent,
Moreover, to this point: "would it be an abomination to have the best of what we bring to the table on the continent of Africa."
What you might not understand is the continent has, and is constantly being impacted by Black culture, through the global reach of Black American music, food, clothes, and countless other artifacts. I suggest you check out Southern African rap something, as a single example.
I wish you would have gotten more out of the article than simply 'it's weak insulting fluff,' especially because many Black Americans haven't lived, interact, and struggle on the continent for years, like I have. Speaking about African, and being there, is different, and I hope to use my privileged experience to speak sobering truths about Black issues.